For I Always Do the Things That Are Pleasing to Him
We are currently studying the book of John and this last week John chapter 8. Chapter 8 is a scene that plays out many times throughout the Gospels of the Pharisees trying to challenge, trick or entrap Jesus.
In verses 12-20 Jesus makes the bold statement that “He is the light of the world”. The Pharisees challenge Jesus, questioning His authority and credibility. Jesus responds by asserting that His testimony is valid because He knows where He came from and where He is going. His testimony is not just His own; it is backed by the Father who sent Him.
In verses 21-30 Jesus tells the Pharisees that they will die in their sins if they do not believe in Him. They misunderstand this and question whether He will kill Himself, which reflects their inability to grasp His message. Jesus explains that He is from above (Heaven) and they are from below (Earth). He warns them that unless they believe in Him as the "I Am" (a reference to God's name in Exodus 3:14), they will die in their sins. Again, the Pharisees don’t understand or choose not to understand.
Verse 29 states “And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him. The phrase "For I always do what pleases Him" from John 8:29 provides a powerful basis for practical application in daily life. Here are four points of practical application for doing what the Lord wills:
1. Intentional Decision-Making: To please God, we should intentionally seek His guidance in decision-making. This involves prayer, studying Scripture, and seeking counsel from mature believers. By aligning decisions with biblical principles and values, we can ensure that our choices reflect God’s will and honor Him. To honor the Father we need to understand what the Fathers will is. This reminds me of Ezra and how he set in his heart to study the law daily (Ezra 7:10). We need to be intentional in our relationship with God.
2. Consistency in Actions: Just as Jesus consistently did what pleased God, we are encouraged to strive for consistency in our actions and behavior. This means living out our faith in every area of life, whether in personal relationships, family, work, the local church or within the community. Consistency in following God’s will demonstrates integrity and authenticity.
3. Prioritizing God’s Commands: Pleasing God involves prioritizing His commands and living according to His instructions. This means making God’s commandments and teachings central to our life, allowing them to guide our behavior, attitudes, and interactions with others. It also involves making sacrifices or adjustments in areas where our actions might not align with God’s will. It’s easy to obey God’s will or commands when they already align with our lifestyle. The challenge comes when we recognize a disconnect and need to make personal changes. If we want to confidently say “For I always do what pleases Him” we need to prioritize His will not ours.
4. Seeking and Embracing God’s Will: Actively seek to understand what pleases God through prayer and reflection. This may involve setting aside time for spiritual growth, being open to correction, and being willing to make changes in our life. Embracing God’s will often requires humility and a willingness to put His desires above our own.
Jesus is our perfect example of humility and putting the will of His Father before His own. The ultimate example is Jesus’ willingness to go to the cross. In Mark 14:36 we see Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, and he prays “Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will”.
Jesus didn’t want to experience the pain and suffering of being scourged, whipped, beaten and then crucified. But there was a greater purpose and plan to be completed. When Jesus says the words in John 8:29 “For I always do what pleases him” he knew how his life would end and that the cross was in His future.
Can we confidently say “For I always do what pleases Him”? If not, let’s work and strive to be more intentional with our decision making, more consistent in our actions, prioritize God’s commands and seek God’s will daily. Let’s strive to honor Him in our life.
- Craig Hecht
Chance or Design ?
Evolutionists would have us believe that the universe came into being by random processes, strictly as a matter of chance. In his book, The Intelligent Universe, British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle once wrote:
“A junkyard contains all the bits and pieces of a Boeing 747, dismembered and in disarray. A whirlwind happens to blow through the yard. What is the chance that after its passage a fully assembled 747, ready to fly, will be found standing there?”