Online Articles

Online Articles

The Day of the Lord

The Day of the Lord

In the bible, the phrase “the day of the LORD” is noted in thirty verses. The
concept is first expressed in the OT prophets, where it addresses a day of
judgment, of separation, of testing. It consistently exposes those who lack
real trust in God and becomes the impetus to their destruction - sometimes
physically but always spiritually. But it also serves as a day of deliverance
and identification for the faithful remnant (and, again consistently, it is but
a remnant who maintain their trust). The specific circumstance may vary -
the Assyrian invasion (Isaiah; Amos); the Babylonian captivity (Jeremiah;
Ezekiel; Zephaniah); a locust plague (Joel); the introduction of the gospel
(Peter); the final judgment (Paul; Peter) - but each event serves to identify
and divide the unfaithful from the remnant. And they all prefigure the
ultimate eternal separation of the just and unjust by the Lord Himself. I’m
no prophet, and only God can reveal what circumstances truly serve as
divine efforts at refining mankind. But nothing in my lifetime has so
identified and distinguished persons of real faith like the present
pandemic. I don’t know if COVID is a true “day of the Lord” event, the
latest and most effective effort of Satan to undermine real trust and
discipleship, or simply the experience of life under the sun. Regardless of
which is true, this much is certain - now is the time for people of faith to
stand up, be counted, be active, and persevere. God’s people are not to
cower in fear nor subsist in selfish hypocrisy.
Regardless of the events in the world around us, we are to serve, worship,
influence, love, and sacrifice. Our King rules. We either trust Him
completely or we don’t. Let’s start living like people of faith - not
pretenders. - Russ Bowman