Online Articles

Online Articles

Taking Wrong




We live in a nation driven by selfish wants, and often at the expense of others.  We live in a society that exploits any opportunity to get ahead of another by using unforgiving and arrogant principles.  

Our nation is wrapping up a major election this year. We see political ads attacking each opponent placing blame and irresponsibility on the other party.  Unfortunately, our nation and its politics are no longer governed entirely by biblical principles.  “Loving your neighbor as yourself” has turned into a competitive and unhealthy game of  “one up your neighbor for yourself” typically through possessions or experiences each family has.  Our “mine” mentality has led us to forget that we were taught to “love everyone –even our enemies and to pray for those who despitefully use you.” (Matt 5:44)  Going back to the election, if this principle could be followed by our politicians there would be no need for placing blame, because we would be more concerned about each other than ourselves. Thus willing to go without so someone else could have.  If everyone could abide by this it might be the closest to a heaven on earth.  This is sadly not the case, and all the more reason why this principle is extraordinarily important to practice within our culture. 

This selfish behavior is not something new and has plagued mankind throughout every civilization.  Paul addresses it in 1 Corinthians 6 when he speaks to members of the church who are taking each other to court and suing one another.  He rebukes them saying,  “Why not rather take wrong? Why not rather be defrauded?  It would be better to keep the peace and humble yourself, than to win and continue strife indefinitely. 

Jesus was the perfect example of this as He allowed Judas to betray Him and sent him on his way.  His love for others was displayed as He healed the very soldier escorting him to his demise.  Jesus never sought vengeance through His entire affliction, but asked forgiveness for His persecutors as He died on the tree.  When we seek our own vengeance we stand in the way of God and His will becoming a hindrance rather then helping.  More so our efforts to take matters in our own hands show that we have no faith in our God to take care of things. 

            This application can be made on every level, and as a Christian we must be on guard against selfish motives.  Within the workplace a coworker may take full credit for a project that you were part of.  A best friend may say something hurtful about you to gain another friends trust.  A spouse may take issue with something that you want to do.   In the midst of any of these conflicts we must remind ourselves of what is most important.  That is helping others and ourselves get to Heaven, and our prideful and selfish reasoning is not worth it all.

            To take wrong means more than just saying “You’re right” to a trivial dispute.   It means to look past the dispute and realize its weight in the big picture.  It’s recognition that this act will help both involved to reach Heaven.   As Christ spoke during the Sermon on the Mount He asked us to pray for those who intend to hurt you or despitefully use you.  So we are to not only to take wrong, but also hope and pray that one day God will find those in opposition to us so that we might all be together with him. 


Rett Griffith