Online Articles

Online Articles

My friend, Bill

I wish you could meet my friend, Bill. He is truly an extraordinary person, and
this old world would be a much better place if there were more people like him
Bill’s morals are far above those of most folks these days. Bill has never drunk
alcoholic beverages. He has never tried drugs, does not smoke, gamble, go to
filthy movies, or run around with someone else’s wife. His language is free from
the obscenities and vulgar expressions used by many (most ?) people in the
world. I have never once heard Bill tell a dirty joke or an off-color story. As you
might expect, he has also never been in trouble with the law.
Bill is very humble and unpretentious. In fact, some would even think that he
should be more ambitious and self-assertive. He is generous, sometimes to the
extreme. I once saw him give a friend all of the money he had with him just

because he asked for a loan.
Bill is one of the most intellectually curious people I have ever known. He is so
anxious to learn that he is constantly asking questions, and what’s more, he will
even listen carefully to the answers given!
As I think of Bill’s character I’m reminded of what Jesus said about Nathaniel,
“Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” That’s Bill - no guile, no
deceit. He is frank to speak his mind about things he cares about, and you have
no trouble seeing him for what he really is – he’s not a hypocrite, doesn’t wear a
I suppose one of the things I admire the most about Bill is his forgiving spirit.
There have been several occasions that I know of where Bill has been wronged by
someone else, and yet I later observed him showing the offender warm friendship
and loving forgiveness as if the wrong had never been committed. That is a rare
quality indeed!
As you can see, I think a great deal of my friend, Bill. I really wish you knew him.
Maybe you could come with me to his birthday party later this year – he’ll be six
years old.
- Leonard White